
Component a2-tabs is a collection of panels displayed horizontally.

Selector Description
a2-tabs Defines tabs component and its global configuration
a2-tab Defines single tab panel



Input Type Default Description
type string tabs Defines tabs type class (nav-{type}). Allow to use Bootstrap 4 classes like "tabs" and "pills".
openedTab string N/A Determines initially opened tab by name


Output Type Description
tabChange EventEmitter of TabChangeEvent Emits TabChangeEvent when opened tab is changed.
contentChange EventEmitter of Array<TabState> Emits list of all available tabs every time when new tab is added or removed from DOM



Input Type Default Description
name string tab-{nextId} Defines name of specific tab.
disabled boolean false Determines if given tab is disabled


Selector Description
template tabHeader Allow to define tab header.
template tabFooter Allow to define tab footer.


export interface TabChangeEvent {
    prev: string;
    current: string;

export interface TabState {
    name: string;
    disabled: boolean;



<div class="card">
    <div class="card-header">

    <div class="card-body card-padding">
        <input type="button" (click)="toggleTabVisibility()" value="Toggle visibility">
        <input type="button" (click)="tabs.open('a2')" value="Open 2nd tab">
        <input type="button" (click)="switchTypes()" value="Switch types">

        <a2-tabs #tabs openedTab="a1" [type]="type" (tabChange)="tabChange($event)"
            <a2-tab name="a1">
                <template tabHeader>Tab 1</template>
                <template tabBody>
                    <table class="table">
            <a2-tab name="a2" [disabled]="true">
                <template tabHeader>Tab 2</template>
                <template tabBody>
                    <table class="table">
            <a2-tab name="a3">
                <template tabHeader>Tab 3</template>
                <template tabBody>
                    <table class="table">
            <a2-tab name="a4" *ngIf="visible">
                <template tabHeader>Tab 4</template>
                <template tabBody>
                    <table class="table">

        Tabs state: 
        Change event: 


    selector: "a2uie-tabs",
    templateUrl: "src/examples/bootstrap/tabs/tabs.example.component.html"
export class TabsExampleComponent {

    tabs: Tabs;

    private lastTabChange: TabChangeEvent;
    private tabsStates: Array<TabState>;
    private visible: boolean = false;
    private type: string = "tabs";

    private toggleTabVisibility(): void {
        this.visible = !this.visible

    private tabChange(event: TabChangeEvent): void {
        this.lastTabChange = event;

    private contentChange(event: Array<TabState>): void {
        this.tabsStates = event;
        this.tabs.open(this.tabsStates.find(tab => !tab.disabled).name);

    private switchTypes() {
        this.type = this.type === "tabs" ? "pills" : "tabs";