
Component a2-Accordion is a collection of panels displayed vertically.

Selector Description
a2-accordion Defines accordion component and its global configuration
a2-accordion-group Defines single accordion panel group



Input Type Default Description
closeOther boolean true Defines if other panels should be closed when panel is opened
ignoreDisabled boolean false Defines if disabled panels should be skipped in navigation


Output Type Description
contentChange EventEmitter of AccordionGroupState Emits list of all available accordion groups every time when new group is added / removed from DOM
change EventEmitter of AccordionChangeEvent When group is closed or opened emits its name and its current state
navigation EventEmitter of AccordionNavigationEvent If closeOther is set to true emits names of current, next and previous opened groups. Can be used for wizard implementation.


Method Signature Description
open open(name: string): void Allow to open given group by its name.
close close(name: string): void Allow to close given group by its name.



Input Type Default Description
opened boolean false Defines if given group should be opened
disabled boolean false Defines if given group should be disabled
name string group-{id} Defines custom group name
header string N/A Defines group header text
type string default Bootstrap panel type class name. One of the following "success", "info", "warning", "danger"


Selector Description
a2-Header Allow to define custom group header. When present header input for group is ignored.
a2-Footer Allow to define custom group footer.


export interface AccordionNavigationEvent {
    prev: string;
    current: string;
    next: string;

prev - previous group name

current - currently opened group name

next - name of next group to be opened

export interface AccordionChangeEvent {
    name: string;
    opened: boolean;

name - group name

opened - indicates if given group is opened

export interface AccordionGroupState {
    name: string;
    opened: boolean;
    disabled: boolean;

Represents initial state of accordion group.

name - group name

opened - indicates if given group is opened

disabled - indicates if given group is disabled



        <button (click)="prev();">Prev</button>
        <button (click)="next();">Next</button>
        <button (click)="toggleGroupPresence();">Toggle group presence</button>

        <a2-accordion #acc [closeOther]="true" [ignoreDisabled]="true">
            <a2-accordion-group [opened]="true" header="One" type="success">
                    <li>Example content</li>
                    <li>Example content</li>
            <a2-accordion-group [disabled]="true" type="info">
                    <li>Example content</li>
                    <li>Example content</li>
            <a2-accordion-group header="Three" type="danger">
                    <li>Example content</li>
                    <li>Example content</li>
            <a2-accordion-group *ngIf="groupPresent" header="Four">
                    <li>Example content</li>
                    <li>Example content</li>


export class AccordionExampleComponent implements AfterContentInit {
    accordion: Accordion;
    groupPresent: boolean = true;
    accordionNavigationState: AccordionNavigationEvent;
    accordionContentState: Array<AccordionGroupState> = [];

    ngAfterContentInit(): any {
        this.accordion.navigation.subscribe($event => {
            this.accordionNavigationState = $event;

        this.accordion.contentChange.subscribe($event => {
            this.accordionContentState = $event;

    next(): void {
        if (!this.accordionNavigationState.next) return;

    prev(): void {
        if (!this.accordionNavigationState.prev) return;

    toggleGroupPresence(): void {
        this.groupPresent = !this.groupPresent;