Component a2-Accordion is a collection of panels displayed vertically.
Selector | Description |
a2-accordion | Defines accordion component and its global configuration |
a2-accordion-group | Defines single accordion panel group |
Input | Type | Default | Description |
closeOther | boolean | true | Defines if other panels should be closed when panel is opened |
ignoreDisabled | boolean | false | Defines if disabled panels should be skipped in navigation |
Output | Type | Description |
contentChange | EventEmitter of AccordionGroupState | Emits list of all available accordion groups every time when new group is added / removed from DOM |
change | EventEmitter of AccordionChangeEvent | When group is closed or opened emits its name and its current state |
navigation | EventEmitter of AccordionNavigationEvent | If closeOther is set to true emits names of current, next and previous opened groups. Can be used for wizard implementation. |
Method | Signature | Description |
open | open(name: string): void | Allow to open given group by its name. |
close | close(name: string): void | Allow to close given group by its name. |
Input | Type | Default | Description |
opened | boolean | false | Defines if given group should be opened |
disabled | boolean | false | Defines if given group should be disabled |
name | string | group-{id} | Defines custom group name |
header | string | N/A | Defines group header text |
type | string | default | Bootstrap panel type class name. One of the following "success", "info", "warning", "danger" |
Selector | Description |
a2-Header | Allow to define custom group header. When present header input for group is ignored. |
a2-Footer | Allow to define custom group footer. |
export interface AccordionNavigationEvent {
prev: string;
current: string;
next: string;
prev - previous group name
current - currently opened group name
next - name of next group to be opened
export interface AccordionChangeEvent {
name: string;
opened: boolean;
name - group name
opened - indicates if given group is opened
export interface AccordionGroupState {
name: string;
opened: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
Represents initial state of accordion group.
name - group name
opened - indicates if given group is opened
disabled - indicates if given group is disabled
<button (click)="prev();">Prev</button>
<button (click)="next();">Next</button>
<button (click)="toggleGroupPresence();">Toggle group presence</button>
<a2-accordion #acc [closeOther]="true" [ignoreDisabled]="true">
<a2-accordion-group [opened]="true" header="One" type="success">
<li>Example content</li>
<li>Example content</li>
<a2-accordion-group [disabled]="true" type="info">
<li>Example content</li>
<li>Example content</li>
<a2-accordion-group header="Three" type="danger">
<li>Example content</li>
<li>Example content</li>
<a2-accordion-group *ngIf="groupPresent" header="Four">
<li>Example content</li>
<li>Example content</li>
export class AccordionExampleComponent implements AfterContentInit {
accordion: Accordion;
groupPresent: boolean = true;
accordionNavigationState: AccordionNavigationEvent;
accordionContentState: Array<AccordionGroupState> = [];
ngAfterContentInit(): any {
this.accordion.navigation.subscribe($event => {
this.accordionNavigationState = $event;
this.accordion.contentChange.subscribe($event => {
this.accordionContentState = $event;$event[0].name);
next(): void {
if (! return;;
prev(): void {
if (!this.accordionNavigationState.prev) return;;
toggleGroupPresence(): void {
this.groupPresent = !this.groupPresent;